Brick EMS Employee Spotlight

(Photo courtesy Brick EMS)

  BRICK – Each month, Brick Police EMS will randomly select by drawing numbers, an EMT from their staff to share a little bit of their background and shed some positive light on their contribution to the Brick Township Community.

  For the month of April 2022 EMT Bryan Kalinowski #5374 number was drawn. EMT Kalinowski joined the unit as a Part Time EMT in March of 2011 eventually being promoted to full-time December of 2015. EMT Kalinowski has been an EMT since 1996. EMT Kalinowski retired as a firefighter from the Federal Government in 2015 prior to his full-time promotion with us. EMT Kalinowski is a life member of the Breton Woods Fire Co. in Brick as well as a past Chief. Job well done EMT Bryan Kalinowski. Keep up the excellent work!